Wednesday, May 13, 2009

California NatureMapping Program

California NatureMapping Program - Website Launched

The NatureMapping Program – Our goal is to keep common animals common and to maintain our quality of life. Citizens and schools collecting data to share in a public database to learn about biodiversity…what lives where they live and why they live there.

NatureMapping provides materials, skill building workshops, and technology tools for you, as a community contributor, to inventory and help monitor our shared natural resources.

Visit the California NatureMapping Website

California Wildlife Distribution Maps

Predicted Distribution Maps
Distribution maps for California wildlife have been updated. View range maps for Amphibians, Birds, Mammals or Reptiles.

The purpose of the vertebrate distribution maps is to provide more precise information about the current distribution of individual native species within their general ranges than is generally available from field guides.

The habitats were identified using satellite imagery, other datasets and experts throughout the state, as part of the California Gap Analysis Project.

California Wildlife Distribution Maps »

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2009 NatureMapping Workshops

Tacoma Nature Center
NatureMapping for Educators

July 14-15, 2009
$70 per participant
9:00am—5:00pm each day
This workshop will provide formal and non-formal educators with the skills needed to aid learners in the NatureMapping process. The basic data collection and monitoring techniques of are all included, plus
activities to engage learners in the process. This two-day workshop also includes time spent in the field applying the NatureMapping process. It is not open to non-educators.

For more information, or to register, contact
Michele Cardinaux
(253) 591-6439

Tacoma Nature Center
1919 S. Tyler Street, Tacoma
(253) 591-6439

Northwest Trek
Data Collection and Monitoring

May 30-31, 2009
$40 per participant (discounted - regularly $70)
9:00am—5:00pm each day
This workshop is for citizens interested in using the NatureMapping process to keep track of wildlife in their backyard, local parks and forests, or any other natural area. This hands-on environmental learning workshop helps people take the next step after learning to enjoy wildlife.

To Register
Contact reservations at 360-832-7166
*Registration closes May 20, 2009.
For more information contact Jessica Moore at 360-832-7160

Data Collection and Monitoring

Oct 10-11, 2009
$40 per participant (discounted - regularly $70)
9:00am—5:00pm each day
This workshop is for citizens interested in using the NatureMapping process to keep track of wildlife in their backyard, local parks and forests, or any other natural area. This hands-on environmental learning workshop helps people take the next step after learning to enjoy wildlife.

To Register
Contact reservations at 360-832-7166
*Registration closes Oct 1, 2009.
For more information contact Jessica Moore at 360-832-7160

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Washington Wildlife Distribution Maps

Breeding Range Map
The green area shows predicted habitats for breeding only. The purpose of the vertebrate distribution maps is to provide more precise information about the current distribution of individual native species within their general ranges than is generally available from field guides.

The habitats were identified using satellite imagery, other datasets and experts throughout the state, as part of the Washington Gap Analysis Project.

Wildlife distribution maps are available for download. Some of the map pages have photos and links to animal fact sheets.

Washington Wildlife Distribution Maps »